
Front end coders

Freelancer providing services for programming for website.Join me below and let's code!


Seriveces I offer

Since the begining of my journey as freelance front end dev. I've done remote work for Yuk desain consulted for customer and collaborated with talented people.

I offer from wide range of services, including programming and teaching

Making Website

Creating a website, with modern tech stack , beautiful design ui and ux and fast

Website tools I use

Visual Studio Code



Tech Stack

There my tech stach list

What I use ?

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

React, Vue, Tailwind CSS

Laravel, NextJs, ExpressJs

Making Website

Creating a website, with modern tech stack , beautiful design ui and ux and fast

Website tools I use

Visual Studio Code




Since the begining of my journey as freelance front end dev. I've done remote work for Yuk desain consulted for customer and collaborated with talented people.

I offer from wide range of services, including programming and teaching